I'm really loving tinkering around in my vege patch at the moment - not just because I find the process of dirt digging very therapeutic but also because all of the seedlings that I planted a couple of months ago are at picking point - and so we have green beens, bok choy, lettuce, rocket and cauliflower a plenty. I didn't have a vege garden at my home in Sydney. Although I always loved the idea of it, I spent more time cultivating my flowering plants, like geraniums and jasmine than anything else. And so my little farm patch was a bit of an experiment which so far, seems to be working well. My plan is to add more patches over the next little while - with the hope that we'll be able to eat from our garden most of the time....

It looks so healthy and lush - you obviously don't let your "girls" near it
No girls allowed in this patch - but they do get the scraps and dead leaves which they love.
I can't take too much credit for all - this volcanic Byron Bay soil is like magic!
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