I received a comment from Barbara the other day asking exactly what stylists do when they are on shoots - and so I thought that I'd post some behind-the-scenes pics from my latest shoot. Now although, from these pics, it could be misconstrued that stylists do a lot of sitting around (!) - I'd like any of my editors who are reading this to know that it's all blood, sweat and tears out there. I mean, look at the conditions that I have to work in!

Haha. Tough life!
I'm definitely at the wrong end of the magazine production process.
Thanks Shannon. It's great to see behind the scenes. Your working location looks far superior to mine! Speaking of superior locations, you may be interested to know that Vicki Archer, who c0-wrote My French Life, along with Carla Coulson has a new Blog which is as you might expect, beautiful I thought as a fellow Franchophile, you might be interested.
Also Rachel Ashwell has just started Blogging and she has a superb Blog as well.
Too many great Blogs, too little time!
I get down on my knees daily and pray to the beautiful god who has enabled me to live where I do and spend my life doing what I love. It's such a beautiful world, after all, and to have it laid out before me every day, in all of its glory is just such a blessing. I love you, I love you, I love you - you lovely god....
Primrose, Thank You for the tip - I'm heading to French Essence right now. And yes, have discovered Rachel A's blog - it's so nice to hear what she has to say about things. I love her style (yes, I admit it! I do, I do!) and all things frilly and American. I think it comes down from my mother - who doesn't mind a bit of a frill herself.
OOh, thanks for the behind the scenes shots! I have another question for you.
I have noticed in some magazines (particularly Vogue Living, and more recently InsideOUT) that they seem to run some sort of colour filter over the images they use. Or is that just my imagination? The colours are very moody and muted and give a great feel to the story....but are not necessarily representative of how things really are. I have a few friends who have ordered things after seeing them in magazines and the colours are almost completely different! I guess a stylist doesn't have a lot of say in how the images are reproduced in the end....?
Hi Barbara,
Generally, the look and feel of the actual photograph is up to the photographer and as such they will pop on a filter or shoot on a specific type of film or add a certain type of effect (if digital) to give the shot a unique flavour. You are right in thinking that they are not always really representative of the space or product in terms of exact colours etc - but are more about creating a mood. In this regard, the photos in mags aren't fully representative of the products that they are showing - and so it's important to always do a check with the manufacturer to make sure that the colour or style etc is actually what you're after.
Hope that helps somewhat.
what a lovely looking location Shannon. And a beautiful place to spend your days.
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