Monday, 30 June 2008
Small Space - Large Life....
Small spaces can house beautiful gardens in the same way that large ones can - and I thought that this picture was a lovely representation of that idea. I love that the space feels so abundant and lush, even though it's footprint is courtyard sized. And I also love the combination of free flowing and more shapely forms used in the plant selections. However I think that what really makes this garden is the colour of the shutters behind it - it adds a vibrancy to what would be a fairly simple and subdued colour palette.

TOAST and tea.....
I've always been one for a rustic kind of living - natural textures, subdued colours and simple days are what really fuel my fire. I was so inspired when I came across these images from the TOAST catalogue - each pic brings a smile to my face as they represent everything that I love about life. Of course I want everything in the catalogue but it's the tee-pee that really does it for me. But that cozy bed with tea and toast looks pretty good too! As does the ceramic mugs.... the little lanterns... and the bush bath!!! Oh, where will it all end.....

Monday, 23 June 2008
Love Your Collections
I admit that I'm a bit of a collector and if you're a regular to my blog then you'll know that my particular penchant is for ceramics and glass. I find that there's nothing lovelier than displaying my things around my home. One trick to displaying collections effectively is to keep your displays tonal. It's a surefire way to ensure that the collection of pieces hangs together as if they are made to live side by side. These pics are beautiful visual explanations. Hope they inspire you as they do me...

Sunday, 22 June 2008
And So...To The Reno!
Well, the carpets are up, exposing the original farmhouse floorboards in the lounge room, kitchen and dining room and newer boards along the enclosed verandah. Overall, the boards are in great condition - just a little grubby - nothing that a good sanding can't fix. Undercoats have gone onto the walls on the inside and the house is getting an overall 're-balancing' - which should help to cure some of its aches and pains! The trick with this lovely beauty is to help bridge the gap between the older, more original features, the 1980s renovation (which enclosed all of the verandahs with aluminum sliding doors) and then of course, adding a few new touches. The bones are great though, so hopefully, it shouldn't be too tricky! Only time will tell....
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Ici et La Love...
Well, it's raining again up here on the farm and so I'm dreaming of far away places! Namely, France in the summer! Oh France... how lovely you are. And when I think of France in Australia, I think of the gorgeous homewares store, Ici et La.
Ici et La have such beautiful things, however it's their bold and bright striped canvas fabrics that really do it for me. I'm thinking a deckchair in front of the fire might be nice right now! All I need then is a pic of the Cote d'Azur pinned to the lounge room wall!

Friday, 13 June 2008
More From The Farm...
Well, I've very excited to report that there has been some work going on at the farm and in the farmhouse. The carpets are up, the walls are being painted and things seem to be chugging along nicely. Look out over the weekend for some updated snaps, however in the meantime I thought I'd post a little reminder of where it all began! I think the bathroom tiles are still a fave. My daughter Inez seems pretty happy about it all too!
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Gone Bush...
I've been off the air over the past couple of days because I've been here, at Taabinga Homestead, a beautiful property just outside of Kingaroy - in central-ish Queensland, Australia As you know, I'm quite partial to old timber homes however the grand scale of this one and the many buildings that surround it, is like nothing that I've seen before. Taabinga Homestead is run as a guesthouse and I recommend to anyone looking for a long drive through the country and a comfy place to lay your hat to head on out that way. Thanks again Colin and Libby for all of your hospitality... And to the pups Boris and Effie too!

Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Hable at Home...
I remember, a few years ago now, heading off to NYC to visit my good friend Romaine who lived, and still lives over there. It was the first trip away from home since the birth of my two children and my first time in NY in over a decade. Of course, I was over the moon to be overseas, and to be on my own which, even though I desperately missed my angels, was a welcome respite from the day to day routine of bringing up two small children. What struck me, more than anything is how things had changed since my first visit to the Big Apple, with locations such as NoLita, Soho and the Meatpacking District really taking off in the interim and along with all the expansion - the wonderful bite-sized boutique stores that were popping up all over the place. One such place that I came across was Hable Construction - a sisterly duo creating homewares out of their home-made fabrics. I loved the store and I visit every time I'm in NY as it's still there, although it's moved from NoLita to the West Village now. These pics are from Hable Construction - I love the muted colour palette and their lived in feel. Hope you like them too...

Saturday, 7 June 2008
Cruden Farm...
Whilst on the subject of gardens - this is one of my faves - Cruden Farm in Victoria. Although I've never visited, I've been vicariously roaming the landscape through the pages of the book - A Garden of a Lifetime - which follows Dame Elisabeth Murdoch's (yes mum to Rupert) own passion and personal gardening journey. As with most gardens of this scale and grandeur, it has taken a lifetime to create and perfect and still, as with all gardens, it is a work in progress. I love the colour shown here and the way that the foliage connects so seamlessly with the grand nature of the homestead. One day, I would love my garden to feel a little like this one - although, we are quite a few decades away from this kind of achievement. However, having planted some gardenia's and a couple of Little Gem magnolia's we are but a baby step closer. Oh gardening, I love it so....
Pic sourced www.opera-australia.org.au

Thursday, 5 June 2008
Garden Inspiration...
As you can see from the pics in the last post, there's quite of bit of grass growing up here on the farm. My dream is to plant a garden, which will probably take me a lifetime to achieve, but I'm starting to look around for inspiration. The aim is to divide the space up into green rooms - spaces that lead into other spaces - and then to plant out those rooms with my favourite plants. Fragrant plants such as gardenias and magnolias mixed in with some succulents and boxed hedges are the direction that I'm heading. I thought that this pic provided some lovely inspiration - it has a drama without being to pretentious which would suit us as we're fairly relaxed folk. Anyway, loads to think about!
Pic from CoteMaison.

Introducing Isobel...
I thought that it was about time that introduce you to my 'third child' - Isobel the Spoodle! Isn't she gorgeous! For those who don't know the spoodle breed - they are mix of cocker spaniel and poodle (Isobel is a mini-poodle) and I think that in the US they are called a cockapoo? Isobel is such a lovely dog - with a beautiful, but slightly nutty - nature. She just loves living here up at the farm, where she spends her days rounding up the cattle, fending off the brown snakes and keeping Stella, my 18 year old stock horse, company. Here, she is helping me plant out the vege patch (which, by the way, is growing beautifully with all this rain). Soon we'll have winter veges a plenty. How wonderful!

Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Chateau de Boissimon
Although I've never actually stayed in a French Chateau, I've always been partial to the idea of it! And being inspired by Villa Anna's blog entry on the book 'A French Table' (which is a staple beside my bed too), I thought that I would do a little chateau research of my own. And I found Chateau de Boissimon! Now, as much as like the idea of finding a run down old chateau to renovate to my hearts content - I also like the idea of just moving into one that comes ready made, just like this one! Oh, one can only dream..... And right now, I'm dreaming of sleeping in that four poster bed - isn't it just so grand... However, I think that it's the library room that really tickles my fancy. I could get lost in there for hours...
These pics were taken by Guillaume de Laubier for Cote Sud

Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Kenzo Love....
Right now, I'm in the middle of helping a friend decorate their home and so have been doing loads of fabric research as we plan to upholster chairs, sofas, cushions, curtains and the like. I find it all so exciting, particular when I come across fabric that simply makes my heart sing - like these lovely designs from Kenzo-Maison. My fave is the floral below - can't you just see it translating beautifully onto an armchair? Anyway, I'll keep you posted as to how it's all looking as we get further into the project.

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