You know how I'm just completely in love with blues and greens right now? Well, I'm just head over heels for indigo blue in particular - it's just so alive - so happy - so beautiful! I first fell in love with indigo a few years ago when I visited Shanghai and found the most beautiful store full of nankeen fabrics - traditional tie-dyed fabrics in various indigo and white patterns. Ever since then, every time my eyes rest on this lovely combination, I just swoon (crazy I know - but I'm sure you'll understand!). I just love the blues in these pics by the amazing Lisa Cohen. Hope they move you too!
I too love indigo. I have a file folder on my laptop of lovely blue indigo images. Oh, I love it so.
I live in Shanghai and am surrounded by it all the time, found a good source for it in the US...www.nankeenstyle.com, you should check it out.
the blue in the second image is the shade i'm swooning for at the moment. rich and somewhat old-fashioned... it's just yummy! loving it!
these images are beautiful. am headed to her site as i type this.
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